Transport in India plays in vital role in growth and development of Indian economy. The transport system has changed continuously since Independence. As the population is growing, the transport engineering system is also growing to meet the increasing population requirements. These problems were understood by some of the experts and they tried to show a way to these problems in their own terms by writing down books. Let us have a look at top 10 transport books.
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Metro Rail Projects transport :-

The author of this book is M. Ramachandran a senior bureaucrat who was Secretary to the Government of India, in Ministry of Urban Development. Currently, he has been allotted work in an advisory capacity in the areas of infrastructure, urban affairs, and project planning.
This transport engineering book includes a full-length study of the metro rail system in India. In India the metro rail project has shown speedy growth as an alternative to mass transport in urban areas which are getting highly populated, having high vehicular traffic, and increased pollution. This book tells the story of metro rail as proposed and started in Kolkata, Mumbai, Delhi, Jaipur, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad and Kochi . It focuses on the complexities of project planning, and Indian experience compared to global counterparts.
India and China at Sea transportation :-

The author of this book is a senior researcher at the National Security College Australian National University. China and India are two major powers as a part of long-term shifts in the regional balance of power. The books show China’s growing naval presence in the Indian Ocean which is seen as a challenge for India’s aspirations towards regional leadership and major power status. The notes in the books noted by strategic analysts across the world make it easy to understand Indian and Chinese perspectives about their roles in the Indian Ocean and their evolving naval strategies towards each other.
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Containerisation Multi modal transport :-

The author of this book is Dr K. V. Hariharan who is a well-known expert based in Mumbai. This book includes Logistics and Supply Chain Management with reference to Multi modal Transport engineering . It highlights the National Maritime Development Programme and efforts made to increase develop infrastructural facilities – road, national highways, railways, airports, inland waterways, seaport terminals.
Reforming Urban Transport :-

Dr M. Ramachandran is the author of this book who is also a former secretary to the Government of India. This book focuses on various issues our cities and towns are facing in the area of urban transport. It showcases the efforts made at and being made both at the policy level as well as at the field level to address the problems. The increasing complexities of challenges in the area of urban transport and initiatives taken to handle the problems on the ground also hold a place in the book.
Productivity and Efficiency in State transport engineering book Undertakings in India :-

The author of this book is Sanjay Singh. Since Independence bus industry has been working as a mixed pattern of public and private sector ownership. Publicly owned State Transport engineering Undertakings dominates the industry. Even though they play an important role STUs have not been able to keep pace with the very rapid and substantial increases in demand of the past few years. They have not been able to maintain their service levels and their market share has reduced as a passenger have now moved to personalised transport.
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Tracks of Change Railways and Everyday Life in Colonial India :-
The author of this book is Ritika Prasad. These books focus on how the railway became increasingly important in the lives of a large number of Indians during the mid-nineteenth century onwards . While allowing millions of people to experience the discomfort of third-class travel, the public opportunities for proximity and contact created by railways together forced colonial society to face a question of exclusion. Passengers were not only the one who was affected by the transformations that railways shaped.

Shipping Industry in India Colonialism to Globalisation A Spatio-Temporal Analysis :-

The author of this book is Sadanand Gupta. The main content of this book is how the seaport plays an important role in the economy of the country. Seaports play a complex role in physical, spatial and socio-economic phenomena and are an important centre where the different kinds of interactions and dependencies in the national economy are worked out. the book represents the concepts and theoretical frameworks relevant to the historical and spatial analysis of the seaports, port systems and sea port cities. A detailed outline of the evolution of the Indian seaport system from the colonial period to the present day has been focused in this book.
Transportation Sector in India Problems Prospects and Opportunities for Development :-

The manner in which Transport engineering in India has been developed and is being maintained is widely criticized. This edition represents a collection of eight papers which gives you note on various dimensions of the transport engineering sector in India and EU which also includes Eco-friendly systems of travel, private sector participation in railways and more. The authors have summarised ways how improvements can be achieved in rail, road, and waterways sector and propose measures for building advanced mobility systems which can be more environment-friendly and sustainable.
Urban Transport In India Crisis and Cure :-

The author of this book is Dilip Halder and the book was published by Bookwell publications. Transport engineering in India has been increasing gradually and problems related to it are also increasing. Mainly Urban transport engineering problem has assumed crisis proportion in all the metropolitan cities in India with the difference in degree due to the supply and demand gap of transport services.
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Laws of Carriage of Goods by Sea and Multi modal transport :-
Author of this book Dr K.V Hariharan is a well-known shipping expert based in Mumbai. This book has two parts. Part I has Introduction and reviews of the acts. Part II includes Indian carriage of goods by sea act 1925, as amended by the Multi modal Transportation engineering of Goods Act, 1993. United Nations convention of carriage of goods by sea, 1978 are also included.

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