The transport network is an circulatory system of Indian economy.It plays an important role in the growth and development of the nation.But even after so many years India’s transportation system has remained clogged and underdeveloped. Many leaders came, each one of them promised to improve transportation infrastructure but even after decades we are troubling to make our transportation system polished. India’s transport infrastructure demolishes the value of country’s competitiveness as destination for investment and tourism and affects domestic firm’s competitiveness.
False meaningless promises of leaders before election results :-
Every year we are promised by politicians to about development during elections results . They always announce different schemes for different sectors of people. But after the elections get over and the party comes into power all the promises are kept unfulfilled. Nobody looks after the public after elections.
Due to geographical differences, elections results are held every time India :-

Elections Results in India is a long term and never ending process. One cannot pass a single day without having a news of any elections. There are always some kind of elections going in India. People are affected by the ongoing processes of elections every time. Transportation sector is one of the major sector affected by the elections.

Heavy invaluable loss of traders and small Business from No Entry :-

During the elections results there is tight security among the cities where the elections are to be held. Police forces are deployed in every region. Due to security reasons vehicles checking is carried out. Large Heavy haulage Oversize Load vehicles like truck trailers are not permitted to enter into the city. They are kept on standby outside the city area. Due to this transporters have to suffer loss as they cannot deliver their cargo on time. And all this loss have to rapid by transporters. Various roads are also blocked due to which passenger vehicles, goods carrier have to take a different and mostly the longer routes to reach destination .

Only in the electoral environment, the efficiency of security and the unpredictable administrative robbery :-

Truck drivers, drivers of other good carrier and other vehicles are also harassed in the name of security. They are stopped outside the city on highways and are not allowed to enter the city. They are threatened and forcefully police officials asks for bribe from them to get entry in city. Also passenger vehicles and private vehicles are checked more strictly during election time. But after the elections no one cares about the security. Everything is permitted in the city after the elections. This is done only to show off the effectiveness of government.

Always New Government Ignore the promises made after the election results :-

Even if we keep above problems aside, people get more frustrated when government does not fulfill their promises after winning the elections results . Promised made in elections are false hopes shown to people and when the time comes to implement it no one gives a word about it. During the elections it is always seen that prices of petrol and diesels are reduced to some level to please people. But after elections this fuel prices are increased slowly to higher rate than previous.

The burden of the cost expense of the election results is impounded on the unpredictable form of transporters :-

During elections lot of money is spend for rallies, promotion, marketing . This all money goes from the pocket of common man. Goods Transportation industry is the one which suffers most due to this huge expenses. Almost 80% of expenses done during the elections is recovered from the transportation industry. Increasing fuel prices, taking bribes from drivers and transporters are part of it.

The administrative officials are given the target of collection:-

We all have seen that whenever there is any election in state or region the traffic police and RTO officials comes into more action. This all is done to collect more money to spend during elections. Traffic police and RTO’s are given target to collect more money’s during this time. Traffic police becomes more strict for only this period of time. They start checking every vehicle coming from other region during day and night. Even if all the documents of vehicles are clear they still do not allow vehicles to enter the city or region. Drivers are then forced to pay some amount as bribe. As the drivers are helpless they have to listen police and RTO officials. Traffic rules are never followed in a region but during the elections traffic forces are employed to show off traffic management and collect more money from people as huge expenses have to be made.

No benefit every year after election results to the transporter after heavy tax payment :-

Even though government takes various kind of taxes from the transport sector, transport sector is given nothing in return. There are various kinds taxes which transporters have to pay for their cargo transport. This includes taxes ranging from toll tax, GST, illegal money given to police for allowing their trucks to pass different regions . But what they get in return is nothing. Every time tax rates are increased in the transport sector. Even the on the fuel prices government increases tax rates. Both central and state government collects taxes from these fuel prices.

Ignorably overlooked after being urgent :-

During elections Results all the political parties raises voice for growth and development of every sector. Transport sector is the only sector for which no promises are made for growth and development. Even though transport sector plays an important role in the growth and economy of the country no benefits are given to it even after elections. Always taxes are increased for transport sector in every field. Fuel prices are also increased which in result increases the transportation cost and for which transporters have to face losses.

Oversized ODC Cargo Permission Impact Election Results :-
Even the permission for ODC Transportation is restricted during elections. In ODC transportation safe delivery of cargo’s is an important factor as these types of consignments need special care and attention. But during election period the ODC transport vehicles are restricted entering in the city. They are not given permission to enter and thus they have to wait on the roadside for days. These affects the delivery time of the cargo.
Corruption less System Required for betterment of transport sector :-

Even after so many years of Independence India haven’t been able to develop its transportation as it should have been. Everywhere there is corruption from getting permit for the vehicles or to get cargo transported from one place to another. No government have been able to prove itself for the betterment of transport sector.

Government Attention Election :-
Government can give some relief to the transporters if they provide subsidy to fuel. Government provides some fuel subsidy to common people. Instead of this if they provide subsidy to transporters it would be beneficial to all. Reducing fuel prices will reduce the transportation cost which in turn will reduce the prices of daily needed items.

Transporters in India have always shown their anger towards government by doing strikes to fulfil their demands. But every government promised them to fulfill their demands and after coming into power all the promises goes into vain. Government now needs to be serious about the problems faced by transporters. Transportation sector plays an important role in running Indian economy. If the people involved in running this industry are not satisfied with services they are getting, government should seriously need s to look out at that.

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