Consignor Introduction :-

Consignor refers to the owner of the goods/ property until it is sold to the third party. The consignor will look for the agency who will show case their products in the market and sell them to the third person. The intermediate/middle person who acts as an agency is called consignee. Ownership will remain in the hands of a consignee till the final settlement is done by the final buyer. One third amount will go as a commission to the consignee once the deal is finalized.
A consignor is said to be an individual or owner of a particular goods/property who brings his good to be sold on their behalf by some other party, which is called the consignee. In one more way consignor can be explained as the shipper, obtaining transfer documents or shipping related documents for the goods that are given/sold to the consignee.
The ownership will be retained to the consignor until the product is sold to the buyer by the consignee. For the buyer, consignee is the owner but the real owner is the Consignor. Some amount is given to the consignee at the end of the process.

Clear understanding of a Consignor and Consignee relationship with Meaning :-
I would like to give you an example for a Consignor/Consignee relationship for better understanding. In order to understand this relationship better, consider the following example. X person is willing to sell his valuable items. He is looking for a place in the center of the city where more number of people gather for purchase. Finally he got a place and placed all his valuable items for sale. Y person bought all his valuable items and paid money. Here the X person is denoted as a consignor and the place in the center of the city is consignee and Y person is denoted as a buyer.
Goods Consignment Meaning :-
Consignment is the process wherein owner of the goods give full ownership until their goods/products is sold to the third party. The whole process happening between consignor, consignee and the final buyer is called consignment. Here both consignor and the consignee will benefit. During Auctions and transferring of goods between two parties or sometime if a property is put on sale by a third party and not by an owner, etc. will come under the consignment process.
Hope consignment process is now clear and let’s go in detail knowing about the responsibilities of the consignor.

Responsibilities of a Consignor :-
There are certain points to be ensured by the consignor before they hand over their goods to the agency. Even though if the arrangement is made by the agency, it is consignor duty to check for the valid registration of a goods carriage which is about to carry the hazardous goods. And also, the driver should be trained well for the dangers/ accidents happen during the transport of those hazardous goods. I have just mentioned a point for your understanding and let us see in detail.

Finding best experience genuine transporter:-
Transporter is important for transferring the goods from one place to another. Transporter might be buses, cars, truck, ship or even airplanes. Any vehicle which is capable of transferring the goods/humans from one place to another is considered to be the transporter. The consignor has to thoroughly check the transporter before the goods had been loaded to it. The condition of the vehicle to be checked and also the validity of the license also needs to be checked before the consignor allow to transfer the goods. It is considered to be one of the duties of the consignor.

Timely pay transport payment for best work:-
Pay needs to be released for all the best work rendered by the transporters. If the timely pay is not done, then we cannot expect the good work from them. If the work is being recognized then the next time if we hire the same transport then they will do the work properly. Trust worthy work will be given for us. So, don’t deny to release the timely payment for them.

Focus for best packaging & transit efficiency:-
The efficiency also needs to be checked by the Consignor and the packing of the goods should be well done. Because while travel, the goods should not come out from the packing. So, packing is very important while transferring the goods from one to another.

Material handling meaning:-
Material should be handled properly by the consignee before it is sold to the buyers. In other way, if the materials are not handled properly then the buyers will not buy the product. So, Material handling is also another important case to be noted by the consignor.

Transit insurance meaning:-
It is a policy that is covered for the goods which is being transferred from one place to another over land through any modes of transport. This policy is very much helpful for the retailers who rely on the third part couriers for transporting the goods/products from one place to another. Based on the worth of the goods and the damage, the retailers can claim accordingly.
There are different types of coverages available under transit insurance. Based on the needs, we can claim accordingly.

Cargo, vehicle, state, central related all documents re-verify:-
Before sending the goods to the third part couriers, the licensing documents and its validity needs to be thoroughly checked. The details of the driver needs to be verified. The petrol/ fuel level and the running condition also needs to be checked.

Per day tracking:-
The vehicle needs to be tracked by the retailers until the goods reach the destination safely. The phone number of the driver should be noted and we have to call him in between the travel and check them if there are any inconveniences. This is one way to protect our goods.

Unloading efficiency, safe unloading re verify to consignee:-
Once the goods reached safely to the destination, the consignor will have to check the consignee whether the unloading of the goods had been completed. Also, consignor should ask the consignee to re verify the goods for any missing.

Consignor meaning Conclusion :-
We have seen the role of a consignor, consignee and the consignment process in detail. Hope you have got a clear idea about this process. Make a note of these points before you send your goods from one place to another notify party .
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Difference between consignor and consignee
Frequently Asked Questions FAQ About Consignor India :-
Question :- consignor meaning in English
Answer :- sending ,supplicant, sender ,
Question :-consignor meaning in Marathi
Answer :-ग्राहक, दुकानदार, विक्रेते इत्यादि
Question :-consignor in Hindi
Answer :-माल उत्पाद या साहित्य को भेजनेवाला ,दुकानदार ,डीलर इत्यादि
Question :-consignor meaning in Telugu
Answer :- సరుకు రవాణాదారులు, దుకాణదారులు, డీలర్లు మొదలైనవారు.
Question :-consignor meaning in Tamil
Answer :-சரக்கு, கடைக்காரர்கள், விநியோகஸ்தர் போன்றவர்கள்.
Question :-consignor meaning in Gujarati
Answer :-માલ, દુકાનદારો, ડીલરો વગેરે.
Question :-consignor meaning in Kannada
Answer :-ಸರಕು ಸಾಗಣೆದಾರರು, ಅಂಗಡಿಯವರು, ವಿತರಕರು ಇತ್ಯಾದಿ.
Question :-consignor meaning in Bengali
Answer :-গ্রাহক, দোকানদার, ব্যবসায়ী ইত্যাদি
Question :- consignor meaning in English
Answer :- sending ,supplicant, sender ,